Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a hereditary disease only seen in boys due to inability of production of protein necessary for the development of muscles of the body. It is characterized by progressive weakening of the muscles. Similar disease by only seen in females is the Breaker Muscular Dystrophy. No medicine that cures the disease is available yet. Scientists in many countries, however, are conducting researches for the treatment of the disease. Physiotherapy is the only one special treatment for the disease till this date. The doctors concerning the disease advise that regular exercise can prevent the muscular weakening of the MD victimized children to some extent children who suffer from Duchenne MD lost the ability to walk between 10 to 14 years. But in those underdeveloped countries like ours due to the lack of appropriate ground for exercise, physiotherapy center and unawareness of the guardians, the instructions & advises are not being followed well. One in every 10,000 population has been found to a MD victim. The MD childcare society has been established to help children for their easier life.
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